Administering facebook advertising , you can face a variety of challenges – failing to achieve good results, getting too little involved in facebook advertising (comments, sharing, emotions), low budget, and rarely seen advertising. In fact if we have a big budgets in facebook advertising and it is a mass product – it’s simpler. But it’s a less common case. We usually have a segmented product and a limited budget. So, how do I solve the problems listed above with one shot?

We will discuss the tactics of 3 levels of facebook advertising. First you need to divide the budget into three parts:

1. Target audience (maximum available budget based on estimated audience size).
2. Remarketing for past and future visitors.
3. Wide audience for engagement.

The first audience is the most appropriate and we’ll apply the largest share of the budget (60% to 80%). The segment should be accurate (by age, hobby, gender, geolocation, activity, sometimes based on available database). The message is clear, accurate and straight to the top ten. In this section, we do everything as accurately as possible.

Second audience – remarketing. Be sure to remind existing and prospective visitors about your product. Promoting the discount code in your ad will increase the likelihood of attracting new customers. Audiences such as who visited the last 30 days stayed longer than the site average, but did not buy. This audience will allow you to show your ad more often to those most relevant to it.

The third audience is very broad , with almost no restrictions on the settings (age, city, hobby, etc.), but such settings will make it possible to attract the most inexpensive engagement.

This three-step tactic gives you the opportunity to get the best results (Audience 1), to create an impression that facebook advertising is commented (Audience 3) and is constantly visible (Audience 2).

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